Zvací dopis

Zvací dopis od zvoucí osoby nebo organizace v Číně musí obsahovat:

(I) informace o žadateli: celé jméno, pohlaví, datum narození, státní příslušnost, číslo pasu

(II) informace o návštěvě Číny: účel, konkrétní časové rozmezí, místo/-a návštěvy, informace o ubytování, vztah mezi žadatelem a zvoucí organizací/ osobou, způsob finančního krytí návštěvy

(III) informace o zvoucí straně: celé jméno zvoucí osoby nebo název organizace, telefonní číslo, adresa, datum vystavení zvacího dopisu, podpis odpovědné osoby, razítko (pokud je)

(In eng: The applicant's personal details and relative information, including name, sex, date of birth, purpose of visiting China, arrival and departure date, places of visiting or stay in China, relationship with the inviter, evidence that he has access to adequate funds for his travel.)

  1. Tomáš Jakl, muž, 17. 5. 1988, česká, 40643351
  2. Ladislav Láska, muž, 21. 1. 1989, česká, 40641890
  3. Tomáš Pokorný, muž, 8. 10. 1991, česká 39177506
  4. Tomáš Masařík, muž, 8. 2. 1989, česká, 40603804
  5. Martina Podivinská, žena, 11. 7. 1990, česká, 40851113

Samotnej dopis

Stačí vyplnit formulář? Jako např: australskej doporučenej? (vzato odtud)

Nakonec jsem poslal tuto verzi:

17 June 2015
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
in the Czech Republic

Dear Chinese Consulate, I would like to invite Tomas Jakl for tourist purposes. He is planning to visit me in Huaibei from 16 August 2015 until 29 August 2015 together with a group of his four friends (their applications will be submitted individually). They are planning to arrive to Hong Kong on 6 August 2015 then after a couple of days travel to China to Lijiang and Dali in Yunnan province, then visit me in Anhui province and finish their trip in Shanghai from where they return back on 11 September 2015. Tomas is a good friend of mine. I met him during my studies in Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

Tomas Jakl’s personal information is as follows:

Name on passport: Tomas Jakl
Gender: male
Date of Birth: 17 May 1988
Nationality: Czech Republic
Passport Number: 40643351

My name is 李桐悦, my passport number is E03411494 and my phone number is 86 13966105500. I will be responsible for Tomas Jakl’s accommodation during his stay in my house. He is responsible for the rest of his expenses. My address is:

Building 3, Room 504,
Huaihaizhong Road,
Xiangshan District,
Huaibei, Anhui, China

You can find attached a photocopy of my passport with this letter. We would appreciate your kind assistance in issuing a Chinese tourist visa for Tomas Jakl. Please let us know if you need any further information.

Thank you for your kind consideration,

S tím, že první odstavec je v případě ostatních takto:

Dear Chinese Consulate, I would like to invite Ladislav Laska a for tourist purposes. He is planning to visit me in Huaibei from 16 August 2015 until 29 August 2015 together with a group of his four friends (their applications will be submitted individually). They are planning to arrive to Hong Kong on 6 August 2015 then after a couple of days travel to China to Lijiang and Dali in Yunnan province, then visit me in Anhui province and finish their trip in Shanghai from where they return back on 11 September 2015. One of the people traveling in the group with Ladislav L ́ska a is Tomas Jakl; I met him during my studies in Birmingham in the United Kingdom where we became good friends.